Fritha Pengelly: Integration of the Feldenkrais Method® within our dance practices.

Fritha Pengelly: Integration of the Feldenkrais Method® within our dance practices.

“It’s about learning how to improve our function which has to do with how to function as a whole person.”

In this episode we speak with Fritha Pengelly. We discuses what the Feldenkrais method is, the various ways in which it can be beneficial for dancers, working with instead of against ourselves, creating more ease in our actions, finding awareness in our movement patterns, and more.

About Fritha Pengelly:  Fritha received her M.F.A. in dance with a focus on anatomy and physiology from the University of Washington. She is a guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner, a Certified Ideal Organization and Profound Strength Practitioner, and a Certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner based in Northampton, MA. She has over 30 years of dance and movement experience performing with Doug Elkins Dance Company, The Chamber Dance Company, David Neumann, and Wire Monkey Dance.

Fritha’s Website:

Tai Jimenez: Yoga, meditation, and spirituality within dance and beyond

Tai Jimenez: Yoga, meditation, and spirituality within dance and beyond

“Like a musician understands the importance of silence, a dancer must understand the importance of stillness, and yoga can open us up to that aspect of dance.” ⁣

In this episode we speak with Tai Jimenez. We discuss the benefits of yoga for dancers, beginning a meditation practice, reaching a flow state of movement, and finding happiness within limitations. Tai also shares challenges that she has faced during her professional career and the creation of a movement meditation called soft pop. ⁣

About Tai:  Tai is a Professor of Dance at the Boston Conservatory teaching ballet technique. Tai has been a principal dancer with both Dance Theater of Harlem and Boston Ballet. She is also a certified yoga instructor teaching at both JP Yoga and Raquel Mara Movement Collective. She has created a movement meditation called Soft Pop. Additionally, Tai writes about dance, life, and spirituality on her blog

Follow Tai on Instagram: taipiyungjimenez
Tai’s Blog:

Take class with Tai!: