#1 Ingredient Prep:

I have never been the biggest fan of a full meal prep but having some ingredients already made can make a world of difference, especially on busy days. At the beginning of the week I like to prepare a 1-2 carbs (rice, quinoa, pasta, potatoes). 1-2 proteins (fish, chicken, or turkey), some roasted veggies, raw veggies for dipping, some cut up fruit, and a sweet treat. This variety easily allows me to assemble salads, grain bowls, snacks etc without feeling limited to one specific meal. Many ingredients can be used in a variety of ways.


#2 Dried and frozen fruit:

While fresh fruit is delicious and my personal favorite, frozen and dried fruits are perfect to layer in for a more economical option. Dried fruit is great to add on top of an oatmeal or yogurt bowl as well as making a trail mix medley. Likewise, frozen fruit can be used to make smoothies. A favorite of mine is adding frozen wild blueberries in my morning smoothie.


#3 Focus on plant based staples

Some of the cheapest foods also provide a whole host of nutrients. Pantry staples like lentils, black beans, rice, quinoa, oats, nuts, and seeds are fairly inexpensive and can be used as a base for many meals. For example, black beans and rice can be used for a burrito bowl (add some fun toppings like cheese, avocado, salsa), or rice and lentils can be paired with cucumber, tomato, and some dips. You can always add an additional protein source like ground turkey to a burrito bowl or grilled chicken to the rice and lentils to meet your protein needs!


#4 Be selective about grocery shopping:

As someone living in NYC Trader Joes and Whole Foods tend to be the best priced stores. The fruit stands also have some great produce. I try to be somewhat selective about where I buy each of my ingredients. For example, I will buy pantry staples like rice, beans, nuts, crackers, nut butters, and jams at Trader Joes because of the low prices. Certain fruits like papaya, melon, and mangos I often buy at the fruit stands because they are the cheapest. With a little bit of awareness, selectivity can help you save and continue to enjoy all your favorite items.


#5 Make your AM drinks at home:

I love meeting a friend for a coffee or sometimes working from a coffee shop but on a daily basis I typically make my own coffee or matcha at home. I bought a french press coffee maker for under $30 which is perfect for making hot coffee or cold brew. Matcha lattes can easily be made with some matcha powder, a baking whisk, and bowl! Making your morning beverage at home can save you large chunk of change while still enjoying your favorite morning drink.